Final bird hide erected
at Ouse Washes
The Jackson team working on the Ouse Washes in Cambridgeshire has overseen the construction of a fifth RSPB bird hide on the flood bank near Welches Dam.
The team are nearing the end of the scheme here - six summer seasons of work on behalf of the Environment Agency to build up and improve a 30km flood embankment along the Ouse Washes Flood Storage Reservoir.
It acts as a seasonal reservoir impounding water during the winter months to prevent flooding of farmland and residential properties adjacent, and attracts a host of overwintering wildfowl for ornithologists to enjoy.
The Ouse Washes forms the largest area of washland (grazing pasture that floods in the winter) in the UK. In winter it attracts thousands of ducks and whooper swans returning from Iceland, while the warmer spring months bring hundreds of snipe, lapwings and redshanks to breed.
Ouse Washes (9)
Ouse Washes (7)