Using LEGO
to boost engineering learning
Jackson is using LEGO to encourage young people to take an interest in STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) subjects.
The company has more than 15 STEM Ambassadors who are trained to go into schools and colleges, and deliver learning sessions.
Some of them recently spent a day with authorised LEGO Education reseller Getech to learn how to plan and deliver sessions effectively.
Jackson has already delivered LEGO Education sessions to the Bingham Scouts troop near Nottingham and to pupils at Kersey primary school in Suffolk.
Lego with Bingham Scouts (48) - Resize
The specially adapted LEGO combines traditional building bricks with motors, a light matrix, colour sensors and software programmes to allow users to build vehicles and structures.
The scouts at Bingham, for example, were tasked with building a smart vehicle that could be programmed to travel fast and straight. They were taken through a process of design and redesign, and challenged to be creative within strict design constraints and collaborate closely within their teams.
During 2023 Jackson Civil Engineering aims to deliver more than 30 hours of LEGO Education sessions across their respective regions to target the STEM audience of 11 to 17-year-olds.
Bingham Scouts Lego evening (52) - RESIZE 2

'The engagement and creativity of the group was everything we could have hoped for and suggests a bright future for the STEM Industry.'