Pillar: Environment

Navigation programme

Working with its supply chain, Jackson introduced numerous innovations to this winter Navigation programme designed to improve efficiency and add value to projects.

Westmill Solar Farm

The Jackson team worked to a tight deadline to install this 22,000 panel solar energy farm near Swindon and bring the farm online before the closing date of the Government’s existing Feed-in-Tariff.

Newhaven Flood Alleviation Scheme

Working on behalf of the Environment Agency, Jackson Civil Engineering designed and built over four kilometres of flood defences through the East Sussex port town of Newhaven.

Wainfleet Embankment Repairs

A Jackson team was called to Wainfleet All Saints after the Lincolnshire village hit the national news in June 2019 when two months of rain fell in three days.

Bromford Flood Alleviation Scheme

Jackson worked closely with its supply chain partners to develop a ground-breaking asphalt mix that could significantly reduce the carbon footprint of surfacing works in the future.

Clacton Coastal Defence Scheme

This critical construction scheme to stabilise cliffs on the Essex coast saw the Jackson team bring considerable social value to the project by working with the local community on a number of public initiatives.

Beccles Southern Relief Road

Construction of the Beccles Southern Relief Road is notable for the sophisticated drainage works that accompanied it and the raft of ecological protection measures that took place as part of the build.

Ouse Washes Embankment Raising

The ongoing Ouse Washes project for the Environment Agency sees the Jackson team maintaining the banks of one of the largest flood storage reservoirs in the country – providing critical protection for over 2,000 homes and 67,000 hectares of valuable agricultural land.